Make Your Voice Heard!

Personal testimony and public comment are CRUCIAL to getting important bills passed.  MCPA works closely with legislators and other actors to get helpful legislation introduced.  When the bills are being heard by the legislature, the public has the opportunity to share testimony and voice their support/opposition of bills.  There are opportunities to testify in person, virtually, and by submitting a statement.  Make a difference!

Montana Child Protection Alliance actively supports bills that strengthen Montana children and family rights. We encourage those of you with personal experience to come out and testify in person, via Zoom, or in writing during the legislative session. Your testimonies are very powerful and can really make a difference in whether these bills are passed into law.

Information about the current legislative session can be found here:

You can find more information on how to testify or submit public comment here:

The Children and Families Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that meets between legislative sessions to monitor the Department of Public Health and Human Services; conduct interim studies; and generally review issues related to health and human services.

Watch/Testify: 2021-2022 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee

Find Your Legislator

Look Up Bills of Interest

Tips for Effectively Contacting a Legislator 

Advocacy: Six Steps to Telling Your Story